
Showing posts from June, 2019

Top 5 Tips to Lose Weights

There is not one person that can say that they are happy of how their body look and if they have not tried to lose some of the extra pounds of their body. There are so many people who are struggling with their weight, some are fed up of trying everything and still not getting any results, some simply do not have any time to exercise or the maintain a proper lifestyle etc. But as you may know there are things called life hacks that can come really handy for short cut to weightloss . Here are my top tips for losing extra weight that works… 1.        Detoxing drink- Even though green tea one of the best way to get rid of the toxins from the body but if you do not like the taste of it then you can try this drink. You will need ginger, lemon, and cinnamon. Just boil 1 litre of water and add all the three ingredients in it. You can simmer this for a longer time or you can also boil the water for 10 minutes. After stain it and store it in a boil. You c...